Physical Theater Company based in Lisbon, created by the hands of actress and stage director Joana Pupo, actress and acrobat Pepa Macua and producer Catarina Sobral. Its mission is to create artistic proposals through art, pedagogy and the exchange of experiences and languages. Collaborates with artists of various nationalities and assumes a strong international commitment.
Develops, since the end of 2018, the continuous physical training for actores and dancers, The Invisible Body; In 2019, it developed the “Physical Theater Laboratory for Young People in Alert”, in partnership with the Parish Council of Arroios and the Library of São Lázaro;
Two years ago, Pepa and Pupo started a partnership with The Invisible Body, meeting of practices whose principle is the Research-Training-Creation triad and is based on a strong exploration of the body and attention. From the beginning, they work on the integration of their theatrical training methods: Pepa deepens the fiction integrated into the language of acrobatics and inverted balances; Pupo continues her search to link the body, through movement and the Suzuki Method, in the service of a fiction.
In 2020/21, the joint work focuses on the sphere of creation, where they conduct their research on the experience of rooting and migration, for the production of THE GRAVITY OF A BIRD, premiered in September 2021 at Teatro da Cerca de São Bernardo.
In 2021/22, the company develops the creative project:
EVERY BRILLIANT THING, with Joana Pupo and Jaime Mears, a theatrical project that aims to establish a bridge between art and mental health, with a special focus on adolescence;
In 2022/23, the company develops the third creation:
ESSAY FOR DISORDER, with Pepa Macua and Juan Fresina Scotto, a work focused on the specific languages of physical theater and contemporary circus, at the intersection of science.